Distance between Ziway, how many kilometers from Ziway?

Distances from Ziway Ethiopia, how many kilometers from Ziway

Ziway to Shashemene
Ziway to Bishoftu
Ziway to Mojo
Ziway to Butajira
All routes from Ziway

Closeat cities

Butajira 43.58 km
Shashemene 82.4 km
Mojo 85.04 km
Bishoftu 94.98 km
Awassa 100.65 km
Waliso 105.98 km
Asasa 106.49 km
Sebeta 109.31 km
Addis Ababa 115.91 km
Dodola 117.01 km
Yirga Alem 134.99 km
Boditi 142.24 km