Distance between Umán, how many kilometers from Umán?

Distances from Umán Mexico, how many kilometers from Umán

Umán to Ticul
Umán to Merida
Umán to Hunucmá
Umán to Kanasín
All routes from Umán

Closeat cities

Merida 18.41 km
Hunucmá 19.56 km
Kanasín 20.15 km
Ticul 58.56 km
Peto 120.49 km
Chichén Itzá 124.95 km
Campeche 143.04 km
Valladolid 162.44 km
Tizimín 168.6 km
Champoton 198.54 km
Felipe Carrillo Puerto 229.46 km
Escárcega 272.86 km