Flying Distance | 454.92 km | 30 minutes |
Driving Distance | km | |
Walking Distance | km | |
Cycling Distance | km | |
Transit Distance | km |
The flying distance between Oyama and Kobe (by plane) is 454.92 km, it will take about 30 minutes to reach the destination by plane at an avearge speed of 900 km per hour.
The road distance from Oyama to Kobe is km, estimated time to go
The cycling distance from Oyama to Kobe is km, estimated time to go
The walking distance between Oyama and Kobe is km, estimated time to go
Distance from Oyama |
Oyama to Sakado |
Oyama to Amagasaki |
Oyama to Fuji |
Oyama to Kobe |
Oyama to Fukuoka |
Oyama to Kameoka |
Oyama to Tottori |
Oyama to Gyoda |
Oyama to Abiko |
Oyama to Himeji |
Distance from Oyama |
Kobe to Baghdad |
Kobe to Bremen |
Kobe to Kerman |
Kobe to Houston |
Kobe to Hegang |
Kobe to Kurgan |
Kobe to Bacoor |
Kobe to Bacolod |
Kobe to Busan |
Kobe to Basrah |