Flying Distance | 9520.14 km | 10 hours 34 minutes |
Driving Distance | km | |
Walking Distance | km | |
Cycling Distance | km | |
Transit Distance | km |
The flying distance between Mesa and Oujda (by plane) is 9520.14 km, it will take about 10 hours 34 minutes to reach the destination by plane at an avearge speed of 900 km per hour.
The road distance from Mesa to Oujda is km, estimated time to go
The cycling distance from Mesa to Oujda is km, estimated time to go
The walking distance between Mesa and Oujda is km, estimated time to go
Distance from Mesa |
Mesa to Dnepropetrovsk |
Mesa to Baku |
Mesa to Jiamusi |
Mesa to Bucaramanga |
Mesa to Bucheon-si |
Mesa to Frankfurt |
Mesa to Baotou |
Mesa to Bauchi |
Mesa to Bengkulu |
Mesa to Ahmednagar |
Distance from Mesa |
Oujda to Mosul |
Oujda to Gimhae-si |
Oujda to Hamilton |
Oujda to Jixi |
Oujda to Hargeisa |
Oujda to San Juan |
Oujda to Padang |
Oujda to Omsk |
Oujda to Bucheon-si |
Oujda to Piura |