Distance between Jauja, how many kilometers from Jauja?

Distances from Jauja Peru, how many kilometers from Jauja

Jauja to Huancayo
Jauja to La Oroya
Jauja to Tarma
Jauja to Junín
All routes from Jauja

Closeat cities

Tarma 44.41 km
Huancayo 45.29 km
La Oroya 51.47 km
Junín 86.95 km
Satipo 110.4 km
Huancavelica 125.59 km
Cerro de Pasco 147.12 km
Imperial District 169.82 km
San Isidro 170.71 km
Lima 170.73 km
Callao 179.74 km
Huanta 187.5 km