Distance between Sokoto and other cities

Distance from Sokoto and other cities arround the world. How many kilometers is there between Sokoto and other locations.

Disatnce from Sokoto
Sokoto to Ostrava
Sokoto to Omsk
Sokoto to Oujda
Sokoto to Peshawar
Sokoto to Pavlodar
Sokoto to Pasto
Sokoto to Palermo
Sokoto to Palma
Sokoto to Pachuca
Sokoto to Nice
Sokoto to Newcastle
Sokoto to New Orleans
Sokoto to Nouakchott
Sokoto to Novosibirsk
Sokoto to Oita
Sokoto to Oakland
Sokoto to Odessa
Sokoto to Neiva
Sokoto to Naypyitaw
Sokoto to N'Djamena
Sokoto to Nanning
Sokoto to Nasiriyah
Sokoto to Natal
Sokoto to Naucalpan
Sokoto to Rajkot
Sokoto to Raipur
Sokoto to Qingdao
Sokoto to Putian
Sokoto to Pyongyang
Sokoto to Punasa
Sokoto to Portland
Sokoto to Pucallpa
Sokoto to Puebla
Sokoto to Wenshan
Sokoto to Vologda
Sokoto to Yunfu
Sokoto to Zhangjiakou
Sokoto to Gdańsk
Sokoto to Gifu
Sokoto to Fresno
Sokoto to Fort Worth
Sokoto to Firozabad
Sokoto to Dushanbe
Sokoto to Düsseldorf
Sokoto to Durban
Sokoto to Erzurum
Sokoto to Eskisehir
Sokoto to Bloemfontein
Sokoto to Bandar Abbās
Sokoto to Beijing
Sokoto to Accra
Sokoto to Abidjan
Sokoto to Amritsar
Sokoto to Cairo
Sokoto to Bucheon-si
Sokoto to Calamba
Sokoto to Bratislava
Sokoto to Brahmapur
Sokoto to Chittagong
Sokoto to Cherepovets
Sokoto to Chernihiv
Sokoto to Canberra
Sokoto to Cardiff
Sokoto to Coventry
Sokoto to Cuiabá
Sokoto to Cheonan-si
Sokoto to Ciudad Bolívar
Sokoto to Colombo
Sokoto to Coacalco
Sokoto to Cuttack
Sokoto to Dalian
Sokoto to Dublin
Sokoto to Doha
Sokoto to Joinville
Sokoto to Jodhpur
Sokoto to Izmir
Sokoto to Irapuato
Sokoto to Iloilo City
Sokoto to Kampala
Sokoto to Kananga
Sokoto to Jacksonville
Sokoto to Kandahar
Sokoto to Karagandy
Sokoto to Kathmandu
Sokoto to Katowice
Sokoto to Katsina
Sokoto to Hohhot
Sokoto to Iași
Sokoto to Islamabad
Sokoto to Istanbul
Sokoto to Hiroshima
Sokoto to Helsinki
Sokoto to Hengshui
Sokoto to Hull
Sokoto to Gujranwala
Sokoto to Gujrat
Sokoto to Hama
Sokoto to Hanover
Sokoto to Harare
Sokoto to Mariupol'