Distance fom Costa Rica

Distance from Costa Rica to other cities. How many miles or kilometer any cities in Costa Rica. How far is a city in France to an other city.

San Pedro to Aserri 9.19 km
San Pedro to San Jose 4.5 km
San Miguel to Puntarenas 84.3 km
San Miguel to San Rafael Arriba 1.06 km
San Pablo to Chacarita 75.15 km
San Miguel to Aserri 4.09 km
San Miguel to Calle Blancos 7.37 km
San Rafael Arriba to San Pedro 6.77 km
Siquirres to San Miguel 65.53 km
San Rafael Arriba to Aserri 3.09 km
Chacarita to San Pedro 79.25 km
Cartago to Limón 98.73 km
Calle Blancos to Turrialba 42.3 km
Calle Blancos to Chacarita 77.31 km
Esparza to San Rafael Abajo 45.85 km
Guadalupe to San Juan 3.77 km
Esparza to Guadalupe 67.34 km
Esparza to Chacarita 11.34 km
San Jose to Chongqing 15489.63 km
Curridabat to Tejar 28.53 km
Guadalupe to Cartago 17.8 km
Paraíso to Guadalupe 24.2 km
Calle Blancos to Aserri 9.92 km
Calle Blancos to Patarra 8.23 km
Patarra to Esparza 70.54 km
Puntarenas to Esparza 17.82 km
Puntarenas to San Jose 81.19 km
Patarra to Turrialba 38.59 km
San Rafael Abajo to Siquirres 89.57 km
San Miguel to Chacarita 78.05 km
San Juan de Dios to Tejar 22.62 km
San Miguel to Purral 10.88 km
San Pedro to Siquirres 61.98 km
San Pedro to Tejar 29.12 km
San Pedro to Purral 5.66 km
San Pedro to Cartago 16.47 km
San Pedro to San Francisco 2.91 km
San Juan de Dios to San Pedro 6.83 km
San Juan to Aserri 11.21 km
San Juan de Dios to San Diego 9.11 km
San Juan de Dios to Puntarenas 82.86 km
San Miguel to Patarra 3.66 km
San Juan to Patarra 10.73 km
San Diego to Paraíso 16.38 km
San Diego to San Miguel 7.54 km
San Jose to Arusha 13456.84 km
Curridabat to Chacarita 80.64 km
Heredia to San Rafael Arriba 14.04 km
Guadalupe to Chacarita 78.63 km
Esparza to Tejar 54.36 km
Guadalupe to Aserri 10.25 km
Guadalupe to Patarra 7.5 km
Curridabat to Turrialba 39.07 km
Esparza to Aserri 63.71 km
Heredia to San Rafael Abajo 25.62 km
Guapiles to San Juan de Dios 48.99 km
Guadalupe to Tejar 29.93 km
Heredia to Quesada 50.6 km
Chacarita to Esparza 11.34 km
Calle Blancos to Puntarenas 83.69 km
Calle Blancos to Purral 6.64 km
Calle Blancos to Quesada 58.09 km
Calle Blancos to Guapiles 42.3 km
Calle Blancos to Curridabat 5.03 km
Patarra to Siquirres 62.14 km
Puntarenas to San Diego 91.36 km
Puntarenas to San Pedro 85.61 km
Patarra to Aserri 7.54 km
Paraíso to Turrialba 22.01 km
San Miguel to Esparza 66.94 km
San Juan to Tejar 29.62 km
San Juan de Dios to San Jose 5.5 km
San Juan de Dios to Turrialba 43.77 km
San Miguel to San Francisco 6.63 km
San Rafael Arriba to San Juan 10 km
Siquirres to San Pablo 64.04 km
San Rafael Abajo to Heredia 25.62 km
Tejar to Guapiles 71.43 km
San Pablo to San Miguel 13.1 km
San Juan to Alajuela 15.63 km
San Juan to Guadalupe 3.77 km
San Juan to Purral 8.35 km
San Juan to San Pablo 3.73 km
San Jose to Vladikavkaz 12185.04 km
San Diego to Alajuela 27.04 km
Quesada to Patarra 65.98 km
Alajuela to Aserri 20.95 km
Calle Blancos to Tejar 29.26 km
Guapiles to Heredia 43.39 km
Heredia to San Pedro 10.1 km
Esparza to Paraíso 89.52 km
Esparza to San Pedro 67.99 km
Guadalupe to Puntarenas 85.01 km
Esparza to San Rafael Arriba 66.31 km
Guadalupe to San Miguel 7.25 km
Guadalupe to Quesada 59.19 km
Guadalupe to Heredia 8.66 km
Guadalupe to Siquirres 62.02 km
San Jose to Contagem 5488.09 km
Guapiles to Alajuela 51.89 km