Distance fom Namibia

Distance from Namibia to other cities. How many miles or kilometer any cities in Namibia. How far is a city in France to an other city.

Katima Mulilo to Sesheke 3.97 km
Rundu to Windhoek 586.45 km
Walvis Bay to Windhoek 267.94 km
Windhoek to Walvis Bay 267.94 km
Windhoek to Rundu 586.45 km
Walvis Bay to Rundu 782.38 km
Rundu to Walvis Bay 782.38 km
Okahandja to Windhoek 67.2 km
Swakopmund to Walvis Bay 30.32 km
Rehoboth to Windhoek 82.69 km