Distance fom South Korea

Distance from South Korea to other cities. How many miles or kilometer any cities in South Korea. How far is a city in France to an other city.

Gwangju to Ciudad Bolívar 15095.25 km
Gwangju to Constantine 9968.08 km
Gwangju to Beijing 1061.81 km
Gwangju to Puerto La Cruz 14841.45 km
Gwangju to Muzaffarpur 4070.3 km
Gwangju to Mogi das Cruzes 18554 km
Gwangju to Jacksonville 12167.31 km
Gwangju to Mexico City 12264.31 km
Gwangju to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 11963.25 km
Gwangju to Vinnytsia 7691.63 km